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They want to dismantle our health department


The Antrim County Commission meets Tomorrow, Thursday, February 3 at 9 a.m. - write today.

Do you know what your county commissioners are up to now? They want to dismantle your existing health department.

Some of your community members reached out and asked for our help again. You did a great job last summer letting your county commissioners know what you think. It's time to speak up again!


Antrim County/Health Department of Northwest Michigan


from Center for Change

(A document that contains everything you need to join the effort to support the Health Department of Northwest Michigan in this moment when the Antrim County Board of Commissioners are putting this important resource at risk.

You may invite a friend to join the work by sending them this link.

Please scroll to the bottom of this doc to find a wealth of information and background on this issue.


1. Got 5 Minutes? Easy peasy, email the 9 county commissioners - Just click - ONE CLICK HERE!

Here is a copy of the Draft Letter you will find on the Action Network link (above): Once in Action Network you will easily be able to customize the letter if you prefer.

Dear Antrim County Commissioners,

I am writing in support of the Health Department of Northwest Michigan, (HDNW) and posing my strong opposition in regards to the county withdrawing from the four county consortium that makes up the HDNW. It is necessary that Antrim County stays part of the HDNW to ensure and maintain safe and healthy communities.

Our county, which only has an estimated 23,000 residents, can simply not bear the fiscal responsibility of withdrawing from the HDNW. It would have a negative impact on our public health as well as our economy. Our county can not fiscally support our own health department. The HDNW is responsible for ensuring our safety, and providing resources to mental health, vaccinations clinics, maternal and child health, among other things.

Once again, I am urging the Antrim County Commission to stay in the HDNW four county consortium and pose my strong opposition to the county commission from withdrawing from the consortium. The Health Department has been responsible for our communities well-being and we cannot move forward without them.

2. If you have 15 Minutes, you can send a letter individually to each commissioner that will bear your own sender information. You can grab all of their names and email addresses here.

3. Letters to the Editor

A great way to educate those in your community and make the presence of your voice known. Send a copy of your letter for the Commissioners to one or more area newspapers (Could it be easier?!)

Cheboygan Tribune: Kortny Hahn

Petoskey News Review: Jeremy McBain, editor

Northern Express:

TC Record-Eagle:

Alpena News: Justin Hinkley —

Gaylord: Jeremy McBain, editor

Sault Evening News: Jeremy McBain, editor

4. Speak during Public Comment at the Antrim County Board of Commissioners meetings

**Antrim County Board of Commissioners Meeting**

The Antrim County Board of Commissioners will be holding a regular meeting on February 3, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. in the Board of Commissioners Room, room 202 of the Antrim County Building. Click here for the agenda.

Public comment is welcome and encouraged. All individuals who wish to speak in person during public comment will be allowed to do so. Any member of the public speaking under the privilege of “Public Comment” may speak no longer than three (3) minutes. A group of individuals who wish to present a specific point of view may designate a spokesperson for whom the Board Chair may allow additional time; however, this is not a requirement.

At this time, public comment must be given in person. Members of the public are welcome to observe meetings via Zoom webinar, but will not be given the opportunity to speak to the Board virtually. Additionally, comments that are received via email will not be read aloud in the meetings. These communications will instead be sent to the Board of Commissioners separate from the agenda packet. Emails can be sent directly to commissioners at

Click here to join the meeting. When prompted, the password is Antrim.

The meeting will also be livestreamed on the official Antrim County Facebook page (@AntrimCountyMI).

Thank you for taking part in this important project!

Center for Change Northern Michigan Advocacy,

Joanne Galloway

Executive Director

For more information about C4C CLICK HERE

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