community lINKS
Michigan Democratic Party
Welcome to the Michigan Democratic Party
Our focus is on putting Michigan issues first, fighting for families, seniors, students, and veterans, and working to elect Democrats across the state, while holding Republicans accountable across the board. From the grassroots to the Capitol steps, the only way we can move our state forward is if we work together to build a stronger, better Michigan Democratic Party.
Green Elk Rapids
Green Elk Rapids is a local volunteer organization committed to raising awareness of environmental issues.
We pursue our mission through collaboration with local organizations such as schools, village government, businesses, and community organizations. Programs have included films, educational forums, nature hikes, student projects, guest speakers, and special community service activities.

(For Love of Water)
Our story is about water – 20 percent of the world’s fresh surface water – and the need to educate citizens and leaders about protecting the Great Lakes as a commons held in public trust now and for future generations. At FLOW (For Love of Water), we believe the enduring ideas of the commons and legal principles of the public trust can offer unifying adaptive solutions to address systemic basin-wide threats, increased water conflicts, diversions, and climate change impacts.

Great Lakes Business Network
For entrepreneurs frustrated that their businesses are misrepresented as caring more about profit than protecting the environment, this is a network of owners who believe that businesses should be part of the solution and are leading protectors of the Great Lakes waters, region, and economy.