Nothing beats good ol' face-to-face talking. Whether we're campaigning, grassroots fundraising, raising community awareness, or pushing a membership drive, we need friendly folks like you who can talk to their neighbors and spread the word. Sign up.
Phone Bank
We've got the numbers, you've got the phone. Let's get together. We'll give you the names, numbers and what you need to know.
Get Out The Vote
Come Election Day, some folks need a ride, some need a babysitter, some need a reminder phone call. We need you to do whatever it takes to get those voters to the polls. You in? Make sure you can get the time off work -- your democracy is depending on you.
Community Projects including helping food panties, highway clean ups and more.
Host a "Coffee"
Coffee is such an integral part of American culture, a morning ritual, an excuse to chat, that it seems only natural that a steaming cup of it would draw neighbors to greet politicians they might otherwise never meet. The candidate shows up in your living room to meet your friends and neighbors. The questions are pointed and the answers are from the heart. Pass the sugar.
Commit to an Event
We host Ice Cream Socials, we participate in parades, we staff booths at Farmer's Markets, we collect items for the Food Pantry . . . Antrim Dems do it all . . . and you can, too! Sign up and we'll help you find the spot that's right. You'll be glad you did.

Get involved - contact us
Thanks for for your interest in getting involved in Antrim County Democrats!