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Call to Action: Redistricting Commission Meeting 12/02/21

The Commission has narrowed their choices, and some options give us a more level playing field than what we've had before, while others condemn us to the minority for the next decade. It’s now or never.

We need people across the state to give public comments encouraging the commissioners to pick the fairest choice when they vote at the end of December. We know Republicans are actively organizing around the maps with the highest Republican advantage.

Meeting details:

Thursday, December 2 beginning at 10 a.m.

at G. Mennen Williams Building, A.G. Auditorium, 525 W. Ottawa St., Lansing, MI.

Sign up to speak virtually: Virtual Registration closes an hour prior to the meeting.

Public comment will start shortly after 10.

Each person’s comment is limited to 60 seconds.

Fairest Maps:

In the Senate, Linden and Cherry are much better in terms of partisan fairness than Palm which is the most unfair map in front of the Commission. Palm has a high Republican bias, and would create an unfair playing field.

In the House, Hickory has the best partisan fairness scores of the three options and the most majority-Black districts. Hickory is also the final evolution of the Commission's other House options, Magnolia and Pine.

Choose additional points to round out your 60 seconds comment:

Partisan Fairness:

  • The people of Michigan passed prop 2 because we wanted independent commissioners to draw fair maps.

  • The people of Michigan passed prop 2 because we wanted independent commissioners to draw fair maps. Isn’t done until you fix that. Partisan fairness is not a nice thing to have if you can get it -- it is your Constitutional duty.

  • Under your House maps, Republicans are winning before ballots are even counted.

Voting Rights Act:

  • The Voting Rights Act is meant to help voters of color elect representatives of their choice, so that those representatives can make a difference in the legislature. Cracking Black communities and tilting the playing field toward the Republican Party fail on both counts.

  • Racial justice and partisan fairness go hand in hand. You need to do better on both.

Vote No on Unfair Maps:

  • VOTE NO ON PALM! The Palm Senate map is the worst choice in front of you. It is extremely biased and unfair.

  • None of you should vote to approve ANY map that has a disproportionate advantage to a political party. Please veto unfair maps -- vote NO on anything but the fairest map on December 30th.

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