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Beware of Dirty Tricks

BEWARE: Randy Bishop aka Trucker Randy, a far-right radio host and a conservative Republican running as a Democrat in Michigan's 37th State Senate seat against our own Dr. Barb Conley, is up to dirty tricks! He distributed the following Meet & Greet notification (see below) without first asking Barb Conley if she was available to participate. Here is Barb's response:

"Dear all:

The Friends of Randy Bishop have scheduled "Democrat" candidate meet and greet sessions across the district. See attached. (See Below)

I was unaware of these, even though my name is used in the ads that he has placed in newspapers and on Facebook and who knows where else, until yesterday afternoon, when I got an email addressed to me and Jim Schmidt, with the schedule in place, inviting me to come.

I do not intend to be at any of these, because all of them conflict with events that I had already committed to, and because I was not invited in the proper way.

Please make your parties aware of these....they are not real events, as far as I am concerned.

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